Wegweiser Englisch

Wegweiser - Informationen rund um das Thema Asyl & Integration

  • Arriving in the Kusel district

    Allocations are made to the municipalities at least 2 weeks before the allocation date. After receiving the allocation, the administration records the relevant data and selects suitable accommodation.

    To improve integration, the district of Kusel has chosen decentralized accommodation in private rented apartments for the people assigned to the district of Kusel. These are located in the various towns and villages in the district of Kusel, which covers an area of 570 square kilometers.

    When allocating accommodation, consideration is given to the number of people, gender, nationality and state of health as far as possible.
    On the day of allocation, asylum seekers are taken directly from the Erstaufnahmeeinirchtung to the Kreisverwaltung Kusel.
    The Ausländerbehörde (foreigners authority) checks the existing personal data and corrects it if necessary. New residence documents are issued.

    Persons who do not (yet) have permanent residence status in Germany can apply to the social welfare office for benefits in accordance with the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (AsylbLG).

    At the initial meeting, notifications and information material are handed out and the most important procedures are explained. The first cheque for benefits under the AsylbLG is also issued. Field staff help with cashing the check at the bank and provide initial information about the new place of residence (doctor/pharmacy, shopping facilities, school/kindergarten, bus stop/train station). The people are then taken to their accommodation.

    Registration with the Einwohnermeldeamt (residents' registration office) is carried out by the social welfare office. If necessary, a registration certificate can be issued by the Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung for a small fee.

    In the days following their arrival, newly assigned asylum seekers are visited by employees of the Intercultural Competence Center Rhineland-Palatinate (IKOKU). They provide assistance with, for example

    • Questions about German/integration courses
    • Questions on social matters
    • Contacting social institutions (e.g. schools and kindergartens)
    • Help with visits to the authorities
    • Networking of voluntary offers
  • Asylum seeker accommodation

    • We have mobilized all available resources to provide a safe and liveable place that covers all basic needs such as the supply of heat, electricity and water, as well as basic furniture and equipment. 
    • Accommodation is provided within the limits of local and financial resources. The apartment should be treated with respect, even if it does not meet expectations. 
    • Damage to the apartment should be avoided. Should damage nevertheless occur, it must be reported to the Sozialamt as soon as possible. The same applies if a key is lost 
    • Cleanliness and quietness of the apartment, as well as respect for the neighbors, reflect the personality. 
    • It is not permitted to accommodate guests overnight in the apartment or to keep pets without consulting the Sozialamt. 
    • The supply of electricity, water and heating costs a lot of money. We therefore expect these resources to be used considerately. 
    • Important information can also be found in the house rules.
  • Bank accounts

    Asylum seekers can open a bank account. The following documents are required for this:

    • Identity documents (residence permit, toleration, etc.)
    • Meldebescheinigung (Registration confirmation from the residents' registration office)
    • Steueridentifikationsnummer (Tax identification number) from the tax office

    Cash benefits under the AsylbLG are paid out as a check regardless of this.
    Online banking is generally the cheapest, if not free, way to carry out banking transactions.

  • Public transport

    If you want to apply for a monthly ticket for DB, you need a bank account at first so that you can apply for the ticket on the Deutsche Bahn (DB) website or via the app.

    If you have any questions, you can make an appointment with the IKOKU social workers responsible for assisting asylum seekers (Mr. Leibrock or Mr. Zarli).

    The social welfare office does not separately cover the costs of a monthly travel pass. The costs for transportation are already included in the calculation of the monthly cash benefits / cheque.


    Bürgerbus Verbandsgemeinde Kusel-Altenglanhttps://www.vgka.de/rathaus/buergerservice/buergerbus/
    06381 6080 888, buergerbus@vgka.de
    Bürgerbus Verbandsgemeinde Oberes Glantal
    06373 504 108,
    Bürgerbus Verbandsgemeinde Lauterecken-Wolfstein
    Bereich Lauterecken 06382 791 921
    Bereich Wolfstein: 06382 791 922



  • § 2 AsylbLG Benefits

    Asylum seekers who have resided in Germany for 36 months without significant interruption and who have not abusively influenced the duration of their stay will receive benefits in accordance with § 2 AsylbLG.

    If you have any questions regarding the requirements, please contact the social welfare office.

  • Employment

    Taking up employment requires the prior consent of the Ausländerbehörde (foreigners office). This authority will check the requirements under immigration law. An examination by the Federal Employment Agency may also be necessary.

    [Link zur ABH - Vordruck]

    Income is offset against social benefits. Employment contracts and payslips must therefore be submitted to the social welfare office.

    A change of residence due to taking up gainful employment also requires the approval of the Foreigners' Registration Office.

  • Healthcare

    Healthcare for asylum seekers is regulated in Sections 4 and 6 of the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG). These provide for the treatment of acute illnesses and pain.

    In principle, all asylum seekers have a free choice of doctor.

    Recipients of basic benefits according to § 3 AsylbLG 

    Asylum seekers assigned to the district are registered for care with DAK-Gesundheit on the day of arrival and receive an medical insurance card (eGK). For this, it is necessary to provide the administration with a biometric passport photo.

    Until the electronic health cards are ready, it is possible to request replacement DAK-Gesundheit treatment vouchers from us. Once the card has been received, it will be issued at the accommodation.

    With the medical insurence card, asylum seekers can visit a family doctor (general practitioner) directly without having to go to the social welfare office. Only a referral from a general practitioner is required to see a specialist.

    Certain procedures have to be requested at the Sozialamt. These include, for example, the provision of new dentures or preventive medical measures in accordance with §§ 23, 24 SGB V.

    DAK Gesundheit settles the expenses incurred with the district

    Recipients of analogous benefits according to § 2 AsylbLG / SGB XII 

    Asylum seekers are registered by us with a health insurance company of their choice and also receive an electronic medical insurance card

    Employed asylum seekers

    Asylum seekers who are in employment subject to compulsory insurance are covered by statutory health insurance through their employer.

    Recognized asylum seekers with a residence permit

    Recognized refugees or persons entitled to asylum receive benefits according to SGB II or SGB XII if required and are insured in statutory health insurance funds. Medical insurance cards previously issued by the district administration must be returned.

  • Children and family  

    It must be ensured that all vaccinations and regular medical examinations for children are carried out on time by making an appointment with the pediatrician soon.

    Pregnant women should make an appointment with a gynecologist, have a maternity pass issued and inform the social welfare office of the expected date of birth.


    In Rhineland-Palatinate, there is a legal entitlement to a kindergarten place for children from the age of 2. Children can be enrolled in a nearby kindergarten.


    In Germany, school attendance is compulsory for all children from the age of 6. If there is no school in the place of residence, children are transported by public transport.

    It is possible to take part in the school book loan program. After receiving the application for the next school year, IKOKU can help people fill it out so that the child receives the books in time for the start of the school year.

    It is important to pay attention to the messages that the school gives children in their school bags, as these often contain important information that should be acted upon quickly.

    Bildung und Teilhabe

    In order to enable children of asylum seekers to participate in peer activities and gain access to education, they can apply to the Sozialamt for benefits from the education and participation package:

    • Paying the costs of a communal lunch
    • Paying the costs for multi-day and one-day trips and excursions
    • School transport (if own costs are incurred)
    • Learning support
    • Benefits for school supplies twice a year
    • Participation in social and cultural life (e.g. club activities, music lessons, leisure activities, etc.)

    A current school certificate must be presented in order to receive the benefit.

  • Language

    Learning the german language is very important for life in Germany. There are various opportunities to attend a language course.

    A variety of language courses are offered in the district of Kusel. These are run by various organizations and volunteers. Various textbooks for German lessons are available for volunteers to borrow from the KVHS. If you are interested: KVHS office, Tel. 06381 917530-10.

    German language classes are offered by
    Kreisvolkshochschule Kusel
    Lehnstraße 16
    66869 Kusel 
    06381 917530-10

    These are run by volunteers, are open to all and are funded by the district of Kusel. 


    Only persons who are entitled to participate, who are obliged to participate or who have been admitted to participate by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) can participate in an integration course. In principle, recognized persons entitled to asylum and asylum seekers with good prospects of remaining are eligible, provided there are enough places available.

    • Kreisvolkshochschule Kusel, Lehnstraße 16, 66869 Kusel, Telephone: 06381/917530-10, Homepage: https://kvhs-kusel.de/
    • Christliches Jugenddorf (CJD), Fritz-Wunderlich-Straße 51a, 66869 Kusel.
      Telephone: 06381 92390, https://www.cjd-rheinland-pfalz-mitte.de/standorte/cjd-kusel/
  • Counseling

    Migration counseling for adults

    Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (German red cross)

    Trierer Straße 39

    66869 Kusel

    +49 6381 9246-41

    +49 176 56769694


    Social department stores

    Used furniture, clothing, household goods and much more are sold at a low price in the social department stores.

    • Sozialkaufhaus Kusel, Industriestraße 45, 66869 Kusel, Telephone: 06381/425861, opening hours: Montag bis Freitag 10 – 17 Uhr
    • Sozialkaufhaus Waldmohr, Bahnhofstraße 27, 66914 Waldmohr, Telephone: 06373/506384, opening hours: Montag bis Freitag 10 – 17 Uhr

    Diakonisches Werk Pfalz

    • Refugee social and procedural counseling 
    • Pregnancy counseling

    Marktstraße 31
    66869 Kusel
    Telephone: 06381/422900
    E-Mail: hdd.kus@diakonie-pfalz.de

    Bahnhofstraße 22
    67742 Lauterecken
    Telephone: 06382/993177
    E-Mail: slb.lt@diakonie-pfalz.de

    Caritas-Zentrum Kusel
    Schwebelstraße 8
    66869 Kusel
    Telephone: 06381/425767
    E-Mail: caritas-zentrum.kusel@caritas-speyer.de

    Team Plan-B Kreis Kusel eV.
    Haselrech 1
    66869 Kusel
    E-Mail: teamplanbkreiskusel@web.de
    Telephone: Mireille Graf 0157-74177263
    Telephone: Tina Welsch 0170-7281728

    Opening hours Spendendepot: Mittwochs 10- 12 Uhr und Freitags 15-17 Uhr 

    Counseling helpline „Gewalt gegen Frauen“ offers women affected by violence uncomplicated advice and support. The qualified counselors can be reached at telephone number 116 016 and also online at hilfetelefon.de.

     The counseling helpline „Schwangere in Not“ can be reached at telephone number 0800 40 40 020 and hilfetelephone-schwangere.de/.

     Both are available in 18 languages - 365 days a year, around the clock, free of charge, anonymous and barrier-free.

    Christliches Jugenddorf

    Fritz-Wunderlich-Straße 51a
    66869 Kusel
    Telephone: 06381 9239 26

    Kontaktstelle Holler e.V.
    Berliner Straße 41, 66869 Kusel
    Telephone: 06381/40186

    Haus der Jugend Kusel
    Trierer Straße 61, 66869 Kusel
    Öffnungszeiten: Montag – Freitag 13- 18 Uhr
    Telephone: 06381/1313
    E-Mail: hausderjugendkusel@gmx.de

  • Responsible Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung

    If a registration certificate is required or if you have to rchange the registration because you are moving into an apartment you have rented yourself, the residents' registration office at the relevant Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung.

    Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung Kusel-Altenglan

    Standort Kusel
    Marktplatz 1
    66869 Kusel

    Standort Altenglan
    Schulstraße 3-7
    66885 Altenglan

    Telephone: 06381/6080-0







    Haschbach am Remigiusberg



    Neunkirchen a.P.




    Rutsweiler a.G.




    Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung Oberes Glantal

    Rathausstraße 8
    66901 Schönenberg-Kübelberg

    Telephone: 06373/504-0

    Altenkirchen (Pfalz)


    Herschweiler-Pettersheim Hüffler


    Steinbach a.G.

    Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung Lauterecken-Wolfstein

    Standort Lauterecken
    Schulstraße 6a
    67742 Lauterecken

    Standort Wolfstein
    Bergstraße 2
    67752 Wolfstein

    Telephone: 06382/791-0


  • Transition to SGB II / SGB XII

    After recognition of refugee status or recognition as a person entitled to asylum, there is no longer any entitlement to benefits under the AsylbLG. Recognized refugees or persons entitled to asylum can apply for social benefits if necessary. The Jobcenter (benefits in accordance with SGB II - citizen's allowance) or the social welfare office (benefits in accordance with SGB XII - subsistence assistance, basic security in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity) are then responsible. The entitlement to citizen's allowance includes health insurance cover, access to integration courses and job placement.

    Furthermore, there may also be entitlements to housing benefit, parental allowance or child benefit.

    Responsibility of Jobcenters based on your place of residence:

    Jobcenter Landkreis Kusel
    Fritz-Wunderlich-Straße 49b
    66869 Kusel
    Telephone: 06381/99698-0

    Außenstelle Lauterecken
    Hauptstraße 11
    67742 Lauterecken
    Telefon: 06381/99698-0

    Außenstelle Waldmohr
    Rathausstraße 3
    66914 Waldmohr
    Telephone: 06381/99698-0

    • Persons with a residence permit / in receipt of citizen's allowance are requested to leave the accommodation provided by the district and look for their own accommodation.
    • IKOKU can help looking for a new apartment.
    • A residence entitlement certificate can be requested at the Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung for renting an social housing apartment.
    • The rental must be agreed with the Jobcenter. The landlord must complete a rental certificate. This must be submitted to the Jobcenter
    • When moving out of the asylum seekers' apartment, the mattress, pillow and bed linen may be taken with you. Other items provided remain in the apartment. All keys have to return to the Kreisverwaltung
    • After the move, the address must be changed at the residents' registration office of the Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung or Stadtverwaltung of your new place of residence.
    • Anyone who receives a residence permit that allows them to bring their family from their home country through family reunification must rent an apartment before the family arrives. The social welfare office cannot allow the family to stay in the asylum seekers' apartment. If no apartment is available, the family members will stay in a homeless shelter run by the local authority.
  • Social office 

    If you have questions about your welfare money, your apartment or the medical insurance, please contact the Sozialamt of the Kusel district administration::

    telephone:         Ms Mitzel, 06381 424 151 / Mr Rech, 06381 424 342
    E-Mail:                 sozialamt@kv-kus.de

    office:                  Room 140, Kreisverwaltung Kusel, Trierer Straße 49-51, 66869 Kusel

    opening hours: Monday - Wednesday 08.30 - 16.00 Uhr, Thursday 08.30 - 18.00 Uhr, Friday 08.30 - 12.00 Uhr  

    If you want to speak with the social welfare office in person, you have to make an appointment – by telephone or online at termine-reservieren.de

    Usually, you will receive your cheque on the first day oft he month. If the first day is a Friday, Saturday, Sunday or holiday, you will receive the cheque on the Thursday before. If you live in Kusel, you have to come to the office and collect the cheque. If you don’t live in Kusel, our employees will come to your apartment to give you the cheque.

    Please send us a passport photo for your medical insurance card. You will then receive the medical insurance card after a few weeks. 

  • Living in Germany

    • Contracts should not be signed if the consequences are not fully understood..
    • If you have your own car, you must sign up for a vehicle liability insurance. Otherwise, you will have to pay a penalty if the police stops you.
    • It is recommended to make appointments if you want to clarify certain things. Appointments should be canceled if they cannot be kept because of unforseen events.
    • It is possible to sign up for a private liability insurance. This insurance can pay for damage which is caused by oneself or by kids, for example if a child drives bicycle and unintentionally damages a car in a crash.
    • http://www.kuseler-tafel.de/
    • You can also find helpful information here: Refugee-Guide – orientation about living in germany

    If you have questions about german language courses, need help visiting government offices or contacting social institutions (e.g. schools, kindergardens) or voluntary initiatives, please contact:

    Interkulturelles Kompetenzzentrum Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH, Lehnstraße 16 (Horst-Eckel-Haus), 66869 Kusel